April 1, 2016

March Recap & April Goals

It's been about two months since I've last written (my bad). If you keep up with my blog then you know it has changed a bit! It feels good to create something new. I really want this site to have meaning so I decided to add some resources that I love. It ranges from devotions, make up, skin care, fragrance, hair stuff, ect. Anyway, March sort of felt like it flew by but then there were times when I was just ready to start a new month.
March consisted of things like Midterms, Spring Break, and Easter. God really taught me some things during the past 30 days. He taught me what it really meant to forgive others as He forgives us. He taught me what it truly meant to love thy neighbor. And let me tell y'all, IT'S HARD. My walk with the Lord is a lot different than anyone else's. Everyone's walk is different. It can be easy for someone to ask me for advice and me respond, "Just read your Bible and let him speak to you." Or "Just forgive as Christ has forgiven you." But man it is so much different when your own self is walking that path. The last thing I wanted to do in those moments was pick up my Bible to try to find justification for the things happening in my life. I kind of already touched on this in a recent Instagram post but social media can be a negative thing for someone who is struggling with their walk with God. It can cause you to think someone has the perfect life. It could even cause you to resent someone.. which is crazy to think about because it's just a picture.
This post wasn't really supposed to be about this but I just wanted to let whoever reading this know that you will never find fulfillment in the material things. Our walk with the Lord can only give us true fulfillment. Okay moving on...

April will so busy! It will be me trying to finish up my last semester of freshman year, take finals, write papers, work out, pack, Ect..So on that note..

April Goals 

- Go somewhere in or around Starkville that I've never been before. (I've never been to The Refuge)
- Bring my B's up to A's (this goal is super lame but whatever)
- Pray for a different person everyday for a week
- Go to Church on Sunday (I've been so bad about not going to Church - just trying to be real with y'all)

Okay I probably should pay attention in class now, I hope you all have a great month!


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Maira Gall