July 12, 2015

Delighting in Jesus

"And if not, He is still good." Daniel 3:18
I didn't plan on writing this specific blog post but God had a different plan. ;)
I sometimes always have a difficult time having the kind of faith that is represented in Daniel 3:18, scratch that, the book of Daniel in general. I have a hard time accepting the fact that God's timing is not Hannah's timing.
Hannah's wants are not God's wants. Sometimes what I think I want is not what I need. Our desires for temporary fulfillment is not the fulfillment God intends for us to have as his children. This scripture was running through my head while I was driving home from lunch:  "Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
Some of you may be wondering what this verse means exactly by "desires". This is not a self centered verse for us to use against God. Most people think of this verse as, "Okay so if I love God, pray all the time, and go to church then God will give me all the things I want." Oh, how I used to actually believe this. Taking delight in the Lord is believing He is enough. It's believing that having peace and being content only comes through Him. The desires you have for yourself are the desires God has placed in your heart. We don't have desires and passions for no reason, God has specifically placed those things in your mind/heart so he can be glorified through you! This quote also came to mind.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:33
If we seek His kingdom and delight in His presence He will give us eternal fulfillment not just in Heaven but on Earth as well. So many times I catch myself being self centered when things don't go my way. I would blame God for every messed up part of my life but that didn't stop Him from pursing me, and it won't stop him from pursing you. His grace covers us Every. Single. Day. It is by His constant pursuit of me and His faithfulness that I am where I am right now. If we seek God in every aspect of our lives His will for me and for you will become clearer. I am the type of person that can get stressed out about anything and everything. I not only get stressed about everything I have to know everything, and if I don't know everything I get even more stressed out. (That was a handful). If we stand firm in the promises His word provides then no sin or situation will be able to come between us and God (Romans 8:38). I'm not saying that every single thing the Lord leads you to will last forever, but sometimes they are meant to help you grow mentally and spiritually. Rest in knowing that every situation or relationship you are going through right now at this very moment has a divine purpose. "And if not, He is still good."

Isaiah 55:8-9

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

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© Hannahliz
Maira Gall