October 18, 2015

November Goals

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall."
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Fall is my favorite season hands down.

When I think about fall, I think of pumpkins, the changing of the leaves, sipping on warm coffee, and of course the holidays that are just around the corner.
Even though the start of the new year isn't until January, I always take this time to reflect on how things have changed over the year. How I've changed. How my friends have changed. How my family has changed.. As I ponder on this, I can't help but mention how God hasn't changed. He is as faithful as ever. He is the same today, tomorrow, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
Anyway, I honestly let October slip away so I'm going to go ahead and get an early start on next month's goals.

                           November Goals 
- continue to read scripture each day
- focus more on the blessings in life
-take time to read a good book (it's good for the soul)
-tell more people how thankful I am for them
- try and reflect Jesus in everything

These goals are a tad bit different than the ones I set for myself in September. The goals I set for next month are about me but also the people around me. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, besides Christmas. It's about being thankful for my loved ones, friends, my school, and the roof over my head. If you're looking for a good devotion for the upcoming season, I suggest She Reads Truth, and if you're not a She you're in luck because He Reads Truth launched a few weeks ago. Seriously there are great plans in there. (Available in the App Store). Remember, if you write your goals down you're 60% more likely to accomplish them than if you don't write them down. What do you want to accomplish this fall? 

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© Hannahliz
Maira Gall