September 5, 2015

My First Month of College/September Goals

It's been over a month since I've last blogged but I think that's pretty good considering how stressed/busy I have been the last few weeks! I moved down to Starkville, MS August 8th to begin my freshman year of college at Mississippi State.

 A few days later I went through formal Recruitment until I finally found my home at Pi Beta Phi! I'm going to write about recruitment alone eventually, but what I will say is that I could not be any happier with my sisters..seriously they are the best. Because recruitment is a week long and school started that following Monday, I literally went non stop for two weeks straight and thought I was going to go into a stress coma... not even kidding.
College is no joke. But coming from the kid who hated going to class in high school I can honestly say that I love my college classes. I may not like my 8 A.M. very much but I enjoy the material and I feel like I'm being challenged without feeling like I can't do it. I'm getting used to all the online /test/quizzes/readers down, it is so different because the only class I do in-class quizzes or tests in is my Spanish class. I can already tell my success in college will be from how I use my time. Ask any of my friends and they will tell you how much time I spend in the library, which is at least two hours a day between my classes. I have found that if I expect to get anything done I will need to not be in my dorm, because my Netflix addiction will take over.
College was scary at first because I only knew a handful of people and even then I still felt alone. My sorority sisters have been my lifeline. I've already made friendships that I will cherish and I know they will always be there for me & vice versa because we are all going through the exact same thing! It has been the biggest transition for me not just physically from high school to college but spiritually as well. I moved away from some of my closest friends but seeing them again soon will be such a fun reunion! (I just saw sierra after a month apart and it was glorious because there is never a dull moment with her.) That's all I really have right now on the college thing since I literally just started lol.

Okay so I'm changing the subject here for a second. So apparently in this blogging world people like to put up their "monthly goals" each month and then come back the following month to see how well they I'm going to try to do this and see how it goes.

  • Workout at least three times a week.
  • Only eat in the Union twice a week.
  • No skipping classes.
  • Talk to more upper classman in my sorority.
  • Talk to more people in my Pledge Class.
  • Read my bible at least once a day.
  • Join another organization on campus out of my comfort zone.
These goals may sound stupid but we all have to start somewhere right?! If you have managed to make it down this far (kudos to you) I personally challenge you to write down your own goals and see what happens. So much can happen in a month!

Last but not certainly not least..I have a sweet friend of mine who will be going on a 9 month long mission trip soon! Please join me in praying for her and her team while also keeping up with her & her adventures  here! :) She has a heart of gold and a passion for becoming the hands and feet of Jesus. So pray for her!! (I promise my next post will be something more important than me rambling the whole time)

I don't really know who all reads this blog, unless you've told me, but know that if you do read it, it means so much to me! This is just something I do for fun and I am by no means a professional writer or something. So don't judge the grammar and stuff ya know :)

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Maira Gall