
Hi guys! I am so happy you've found your way to my blog! Here are some quick facts about me!

I am 19 years old finishing up my freshman year of college at Mississippi State University. As of now, I am a Communication major with a concentration in Public Relations and a minor in Political Science. I was born in Memphis, TN but I moved to a small town in north Mississippi when I was about eight years old. I grew up being an athlete because a lot of people in my family were athletes. I played soccer, basketball, and volleyball mostly. Not many people know this but I also have ballerinas in my family so I did ballet for a few years (bet ya didn't know that)! I love to travel! I have been to a lot of places for someone my age and I am so thankful for my parents. They are great! I had the idea of starting a blog around my senior year of high school. My mom always said that I should start one because I always have something to talk about (not sure if this is a good or bad thing). So here we are! I am super new at this whole blogging thing so don't set your expectations too high here...but I hope my blog provides advice and information that can be useful to you! I'd love to meet you so feel free to email me at helizferg@gmail.com anytime if you want to chat :)

I am saved by the blood of Jesus and that is something I hope to reflect on this blog. Everything I do I want it to glorify Him, including this. I am nothing without Him!


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Maira Gall