July 8, 2015

Senior Year

This is my first blog post so if I make too many errors bare with me. The main reason I made this blog was to document my life now that I'm about to begin college. Wow, I can't believe I just said that. Anyway, I'm beginning college soon and I want to be able to look back and see how God has been sovereign through all the adventures this life has taken me on. I didn't know where to start since I haven't actually begun college yet, but I figured I would dedicate my first blog post to the graduating class of 2016. If you're about to be an upcoming senior this one is for you.

It's the year you've been waiting for since freshman year and it's finally here. Your mom takes the annual first day of school picture while you whine and moan, but deep down a sadness takes over you because you know it's the last time you will ever do this again. At least that's how I felt.

The saying "Time Flies" is no joke. It's so cliché but I wish I would have soaked things up more. I wasn't into the football games since my brother graduated, but I can tell you I wish I had more of those memories being in the stadium surrounded by not just my friends but my family as a senior. GO TO SPORTING EVENTS. It's the last time you will be there as a student so don't waste that time. If you play a sport, go to practice having the mindset that it's your last, because in a few months it will be. You don't want to look back and wonder what could have happened if you would have given it 100%.

Anyone that knows me knows that I hate going to social events. You may think that school bonfire or prom is lame, but at the end of the year when you have no pictures to send in for the senior slide show you will understand what I mean. BE THERE.

IT'S OKAY TO LEAVE HIGH SCHOOL WITH A DIFFERENT GROUP OF FRIENDS THAN WHAT YOU STARTED IT WITH. I cannot repeat this enough. New people will walk into your life while old people walk out. That's life. Sometimes I felt like I had close to no friends because I was just in a different place in life than they were. I look back and see how God was so faithful to me. He knew what I needed and what I didn't need, so it's okay to grow apart from people you never thought you would have.

Don't take your teachers for granted. Honestly, I believe Lewisburg has the best teachers in the state. This isn't because of what I've seen in the classroom ( which is good too) but what I've seen out of it. They know when I'm not myself, they truly ask what's wrong out of genuine concern, and I can see in their eyes they would have given me the shirt off their back if I needed it. Take this and run with it because in college you won't have that support system of teachers that you do now.

Senior year for me was probably more stressful than it was enjoyable. LOL. You think about your college choice every second of the day. You think about what you're going to major in every second of the day. You think about how you're going to pay for college every second of the day. You may even regret your college choice once or twice! If you haven't heard yet, college will be on your mind EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY. The only cure for this is prayer, trust me I know. I had no idea where I wanted to go to school or what I wanted to be. I was anxious all the time and my heart was so heavy because I just didn't know my purpose. Well I'm here to tell you that you don't have to know all the answers. I still don't know all the answers. God has a plan far better than the plan you have for yourself. Also, talk to your parents and take their advice to heart, because they do know what they are talking about (surprise surprise).

Even though senior year is a stressful time it's also an exciting one because one chapter is ending while a new one is beginning. Stay up a little too late, go to bed a little too early, binge on Netflix, and soak up time with friends because this season doesn't last forever. Oh, and study for that Chemistry test. Just do it.

Much Love,



  1. AnonymousJuly 10, 2015

    Great read. Also, GO TO CLASS!
    Mr. B

  2. I'll make you proud Boz


© Hannahliz
Maira Gall