July 25, 2016

Passions Over Jesus

 I haven't blogged in so long so I figured this would be a perfect time to whip something up. This has been on my heart ever since last Sunday's sermon, so I figured I would write this to whoever is reading this hoping it would speak to you too.
Last Sunday I joined in on Pinelake's live stream service and honestly I needed to hear it. I'll start by asking you the same question Micheal Smalley, the guest speaker, asked the congregation.

"When others looks at you, what do they think your passionate about?"

When he asked this question my heart sank, probably like yours just did. I can tell you all right now when people look at me, they will probably say I am passionate about Politics. As I look at my own social media accounts, specifically Twitter and Facebook, that is literally all I see. And the occasional 30 second food recipe videos ( yes I am ashamed). Honestly, I wanted to delete my twitter after that, and maybe I will, who knows. But I am seriously ashamed. I don't want to be known to be someone who was passionate over who gets elected for president, or for knowing to retweet every single thing  Fox News or CNN puts out. I don't want that to be my legacy or whatever else you would call that.
I am being honest because I want you to be honest with yourself. There is a saying that goes, "Heaven is a lot like Airport TSA. You can't bring anything with you except the people you lead to Christ."

Convicting right?

See, Jesus is most likely looking down on us right now and probably shaking his head.  He has already seen what our future is going to be. He already knows what our lives are going to be filled with. There is literally nothing for us to do except follow Him, love others, and make His name known. If I'm not doing any of that, then what is the point? There is literally no purpose to our lives if we are not doing those three things. We can't bring all the houses we owned, the money we had, the make-up we used, or even the "perfect beach bod" into Heaven.
God puts these "passions" in our hearts because He uses them to further His kingdom, for His Purpose only.  He doesn't put those things there for us to be able pick the right major, or for us to make a lot of money.  He gives everyone spiritual gifts and passions because it is up to us to reach the lost, the broken, the needy, and the poor.
When others look at you, do they see a passion to reach people and to love them? Or do they see sports, school, work, or traveling?
Whether God gives you a passion for Nursing, Business, or Communications, He gives us those passions because He will use us in whatever field we are in. He will use us to love on His people and to lead them. And so I leave you with this question this week.

When others look at you, what passions do they see?

1 comment

  1. Thank you for this confirming word... Sat by the river early this morning and cried bc I thought I had no passion...for I have been in a very dry, confusing season... Holy Spirit gently reminded me that knowing Christ and sharing Him with others is my passion.... And then to read your post- from July! Love how our LORD can do this! ��������


© Hannahliz
Maira Gall